GoatMail Support

Retrieving Email (POP Access)

A POP (Post Office Protocol) email address is an address that stores
messages in a mailbox on our mail server. Mail can be retrieved
or sent out from this email box using a POP mail client (email
reader), such as Outlook Express or Netscape Mail.

If you have a SLIP or PPP account with your Internet Service
Provider, then you likely are already familiar with, and are using POP
mail and a POP mail reader.

Follow these steps to configure Outlook Express or Netscape Mail to
access POP boxes.

1. Select Accounts... from the Tools pull-down menu.

2. You will see a listing of all the different accounts that you
   have Outlook Express configured to use. Click on Add... and select
   Mail... to add a new email account.

3. From here out you will be guided by the Account Wizard. We won't
   cover each of the steps in out instructions, but the important
   information is below:

   For Mail Server Type select "POP3".

   For Incoming Mail enter "mail.infogoat.com".

   For Outgoing Mail enter "smtp.yourisp.com".
   *We do not provide SMTP server service.  This should be provided by
   your Internet Service Provider.

   For POP account name:  user%infogoat.com
   *Where user = the POP login userid you chose when you created your
   POP account.

Note: the "%" character used in the POP account name is NOT a typo.

When you are done with these steps you should be able to retrieve
email from your POP account. Menus may be slightly different if you
are using a different version.

For Eudora Light (and older versions of Eudora), follow these steps
to configure POP email account.

1. Select Accounts... from the Tools pull-down menu.

2. Click on the Getting Started category.
   For POP Account, enter "user%[email protected]",
   where user is the user id for the mailbox you have setup.

Note: the "%" character used in the POP account name is NOT a typo.

   For Return Address, enter the user's email address.

3. Click on the Hosts category.
   Enter smtp.yourisp.com in the SMTP box.
   Click on OK.
   *We do not provide SMTP server service, this should be provided by
   your internet connection ISP.

With these basic settings you should be able to retrieve email from
the name mailbox by selecting Check Mail from the File pull-down

Retrieving Email (Webmail)

You also have to option to access your email with a web browser
through the Infogoat webmail interface.  To log into our webmail system,
visit, infogoat.com/mail . This can also be accessed from our main page.

1. Please enter your full email address ([email protected])
   and password to login.
2. A pull-down menu at the top right corner will show the Account
  Options available.

3. Under Account Options, you may set your email preferences,
   forwarding info and password. You may also edit your address book,
   create folders, and set your auto-responder.

4. All email users have access to the same Account Options.

5. Each email account is allocated a maximum of 10MB of storage.

Note: Mail retrieved with an email client is usually set to download
email from our server. As a result, Inbox email retrieved with a POP
client will no longer appear in your webmail Inbox.

The setting can be changed in your POP client to leave a copy of
mail on the server. Mail in other mail folders will not be