Privacy Policy


What does the goat do with your information?

Here at, we believe that user privacy is of the utmost importance. As we too use the Internet on a daily basis, we find there is nothing more horrible than finding that your personal information or e-mail address has been sold or harvested by some company trying to make an extra buck. First off, we do not harvest information, nor do we sell our user's information. In fact, the only information we collect from our users is that which is asked when signing up for a free e-mail address or signing up to use our chat services. We require such information for legal purposes, verification purposes, and so we can contact you regarding our services if the need arises.


Does the goat use cookies?

Set your security settings just right and you'll notice on our main page that you are receiving cookies. The goat does not send you cookies. The cookies you are receiving are coming from our sponsors, and they are all for maintenance of preferences. Our news, for instance, will send you cookies to remember your settings and preferences. The same is true for our stocks, weather, and so on. The goat and its sponsors (like we mentioned above) do not harvest your information or sell your information, nor is it possible to acquire any personal information from cookies.


Does the goat read my e-mail?

No. Your e-mail is kept private. The staff at does not read your mail under normal circumstances. The only time any staff member will read your e-mail is in the event we are asked by a law enforcement agency (possessing proper documentation) to recover mail that has been sent from our servers. As noted below, the goat will comply with all requests from courts or law enforcement agencies to turn over any documentation needed. Stay legal and you will have absolutely nothing to worry about. In fact, we have never had a user even questioned for illegal activity, and we would like to keep it that way.


Infogoat and the law...

The goat believes it is very important to stay legal and remain within legal boundaries. Although we here at support freedom of speech and expression, there are certain things we will not allow under any circumstances. Please see our acceptable use policy for further information. To make it simple, we don't allow anything that might be considered illegal, such as spamming, hacking, denial of service, etc., to take place on our system.